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51st SEDM-CC and 52nd PMSC meetings

Between 25-26th of September, 2024, the 51st SEDM-CC and 52nd SEDM-PMSC meetings took place,
hosted in the wonderful city of Constanța, under Romania's SEDM Chairmanship.
The two days brought a number of interesting discussions and decisions
that will be submitted for the approval of the SEDM defence ministers during the November 2024 ministerial in Tirana.
The Bucharest Chairmanship extended its thanks to all the participants for their continuous dedication
and constant support.

2024 DCHOD meeting

The annual meeting of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence of SEDM was held on June 26th, in Istanbul, the Republic of Turkiye.

The forum was attended by Deputy Chiefs of Defence and their representatives from SEDM member states, the Commander of South East Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG), as well as representatives of the Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP/SEESAC). Representatives from Ukraine participated in an online format.

The participants in the meeting, chaired by the acting Chairperson and director of the SEDM Secretariat, Ms. Violeta Nicolescu, discussed the progress made and opportunities for further development of the SEDM process, as well as other topical issues for regional security and defence cooperation.  SEEBRIG Commander, Brigadier General Bitri, provided information on the activities that have occurred since the last Deputy Chiefs of Defence Meeting held in June 2023.

At the end of the meeting, a Joint statement of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence was adopted. 

The meetings of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence of the Southeast European countries are an important part of the SEDM process and are held annually in one of the member states on a rotational basis. They are an effective mechanism for enhancing regional security and are one of the most important forums for regional security and defence cooperation


50th SEDM-CC/ 51st PMSC Meetings

On March 27-28, 2024, took place the 50th SEDM-CC and 51st PMSC meetings, held in Romania,in the beautiful city of Iaşi.

All SEDM nations took part in the reunion, alongside international organizations like RCC, RACVIAC and UNDP SEESAC, the last one in an online format.

In the opening speech, the SEDM Chairperson, Ms. Simona Cojocaru, State Secretary and Chief of the Department for defence policy, planning and international relations, outlined Bucharest's continous efforts to increase the visibility of SEDM and SEEBRIG's capacities and interoperability.

The talks included the best ways to keep SEDM relevant as a regional security provider, the potential of including resilience on the organization's agenda, as well as administrative details about the upcoming DCHOD meeting

2023 SEDM Ministerial Meeting

The annual South-Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM) meeting was held on the 22nd of November in Ankara, the Republic of Turkiye. Ministers of Defence and highly-ranked representatives from all SEDM nations participed in the works. The meeting was presided by the SEDM Chairperson, Ms. Simona Cojocaru, State Secretary and Chief of the Departament for defence policy, planning and international relations.

The most important point of the ministerial meeting was the Republic of Moldova becoming a fully-fledged SEDM member state once the Note of Accession was signed by representantives of all SEDM nations.

Following the update on the latest developments on SEDM-CC projects and PMSC activities,, the Commander of the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) Brigadier General Bitri, reviewed the Brigade’s activities since the last SEDM Ministerial meeting in 2022.

During the meeting, the SEDM nations’ Ministers and their representatives expressed their national views and commitment to the SEDM Process, thus contributing to the importance of the Initiative as a crucial format for regional cooperation.

COMSEEBRIG visit to Chair Nation

During the 1st and 2nd of November, 2023, the new COMSEEBRIG, Brigadier-General Bilbil Bitri, carried out a working visit to the new Chair Nation.

The SEEBRIG Commander engaged in office calls with the leadership of the Romanian Ministry of National Defence, visited structures of the Romanian Naval Forces and also took part in the celebration ceremony regarding 145 years of existence of the 9th Mechanized "Mărăşeşti" Brigade.

The visit was a wonderful opportunity to ensure pragmatism and coherence between Bucharest's Chairmanship objectives and COMSEEBRIG's vision for the Brigade.


49th SEDM-CC/ 50th PMSC Meetings

Between September 13-14, 2023, in the beautiful city of Timişoara, took place the 49th SEDM-CC and 50th SEDM-PMSC meetings.

The first SEDM-CC/PMSC reunions held under the new Chairmanship of Bucharest were a productive and successful event, with many projects and efforts undertaken to bolster security in South-Eastern Europe.

All SEDM nations were represented at the meetings, and also the Commander of SEEBRIG. Delegates from international organizations, such as RACVIAC and UNDP/SEESAC, were also present.

In the opening speech, Bucharest's acting Chairperson outlined the priorities of the Romanian SEDM-CC/PMSC Chairmanship and expressed Bucharest's commitment to reinvigorate and consolidate the partnership between the SEDM nations and the potential of SEEBRIG.

Great to see everyone actively participating in discussions that will further our common security goals!

Handover – Takeover of SEDM Chairmanship

The rotational chairmanship of the South-Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial Process (SEDM) was officially handed over from Sofia to Bucharest at a meeting held at the Romanian Ministry of Defence on 28 June 2023. For two years, from 1 July 2021 to 1 July 2023, Sofia was chairing the Process. During this period Sofia SEDM Secretariat, organized two meetings of the SEDM Ministers of Defence (in Skopje in 2021 and in Sofia in 2022), two meetings of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence (In Ljubljana, 2022 and in Rome, 2023), eight expert meetings of the SEDM Coordination Council (SEDM-CC) and of the Political Military Steering Committee (PMSC), which were held in Sofia, as well as a number of meetings, working groups and other Process related events.

Sofia Secretariat handed over to Bucharest Secretariat the electronic and printed archive of the Process and the official seals of the SEDM-CC and PMSC. Moreover, comprehensive presentations were made on the overall organization of the work, the current status of the Process and related projects, as well as on the results achieved during the two-year period of Sofia Chairmanship. The experts from both sides discussed a number of practical aspects related to the specifics and organization of the Secretariat's work and the state of the Process as a whole.

At the end of the meeting, an official protocol was signed between the two sides on the handing over and taking over of the SEDM archive.

2023 DCHOD Meeting

The annual meeting of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence of SEDM was held on June 21st, in Rome, Italy. The event was hosted by the Deputy Chief of Defence of Italy, Lieutenant General Carmine MASIELLO.

The meeting was opened with a statement of the Italian Undersecretary of State for Defence Mr. Matteo PEREGO di CREMNAGO, followed by a video address by the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria and Chairperson of the SEDM Process Atanas ZAPRYANOV.

The forum was attended by Deputy Chiefs of Defence and their representatives from SEDM member states, the Commander of South East Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG), representatives of the Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP/SEESAC).

The participants in the meeting, chaired by the Director of the SEDM Secretariat, Daniela GRIGOROVA, discussed the progress made and opportunities for further development of the SEDM process, as well as other topical issues for regional security and defence cooperation. The Director of the Secretariat and SEEBRIG Commander Brigadier General MITROUTSIKOS provided information on the activities that have occurred since the last Deputy Chiefs of Defence Meeting held in June 2022.

At the end of the meeting, a Joint statement of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence was adopted. It was agreed to hold the next meeting in this format in mid-2024, hosted by Ankara.

The meetings of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence of the Southeast European countries are an important part of the SEDM process and are held annually in one of the member states on a rotational basis. They are an effective mechanism for enhancing regional security and are one of the most important forums for regional security and defence cooperation. This is the last event organized under Sofia’s rotational chairmanship of the SEDM process, which ends on 1 July this year.

The Joint statement is available by clicking here.


48th SEDM-CC/ 49th PMSC Meetings

On March 29th, the 48th SEDM Coordination Committee (CC) and the 49th Political-Military Steering Committee (PMSC) meetings took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. This marked the fourth and final time Sofia hosted the meetings under Sofia SEDM Chairmanship 2021-2023, led by the Chairperson and Deputy Minister of Defence, Teodora Genchovska.

Fourteen SEDM member states were represented at the meetings, including the Commander of SEEBRIG. Delegates from international organizations, such as RACVIAC and UNDP/SEESAC, were also present. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence participated in the meetings through virtual means.

During the meeting, Deputy Minister Genchovska emphasized the significance of vigilance against destabilizing factors and the necessity for ongoing cooperation to maintain regional stability and prosperity. The discussions addressed the activities carried out since the previous expert meetings in September 2022, as presented by the SEDM Secretariat and the Commander of the SEEBRIG Multinational Brigade. Additionally, participants discussed the program and agenda for the forthcoming meeting of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence of South East Europe in June, the transfer of SEEBRIG command from Greece to Albania, and the handover of SEDM Chairmanship from Sofia to Bucharest.

2022 SEDM Ministerial Meeting


The annual South-Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM) meeting was held on the 17th of November in Sofia, Bulgaria. Ministers STOYANOV (Bulgaria), BURCHULADZE (Georgia), TÎLVĂR (Romania), NOSATÎI (Moldova), representatives from SEDM Nations, SEEBRIG HQ, UNDP/SEESAC, and RACVIAC participated. The meeting was presided by the SEDM Chairperson Ms. Teodora Genchovska, Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria.

In her opening remarks, the Chairperson stressed the security challenges and emerging threats that the modern world is facing and that the SEDM initiative will continue strengthening the cooperation in the upcoming years. Moreover, the Chairperson condemned the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine and saluted the courage of the Ukrainian people in overcoming the tremendous difficulties they are currently facing.

H.E Dimitar Stoyanov, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria, reaffirmed the regional cooperation as of one of the key priorities for Bulgaria, as a way to enhance the security and stability in the region. The Minister condemned the Russian aggression and stated that the SEDM countries follow the current developments in and around Ukraine with great concern.

Following the update on the latest developments on SEDM-CC projects and PMSC activities, given by Ms. Teodora Genchovska, the Commander of the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) Brigadier General Mitroutsikos reviewed the Brigade’s activities since the last SEDM Ministerial meeting in 2021 and presented the documents to be approved by the MPFSEE Nations.

During the meeting, the SEDM nations’ Ministers and their representatives expressed their national views and commitment to the SEDM Process, thus contributing to the importance of the Initiative as a crucial format for regional cooperation.

The full joint statement is available here.



On Thursday 6th of October 2022,the Distinguished Visitors Day (DV-DAY) of exercise “SEVEN STARS 22” was held in Veles (Na-5).

The DV-Day was attended by the SEDM Chairperson Ms. Teodora Genchovska, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska Minister of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia and high-ranking officers from the participating nations.

The biannual exercise “SEVEN STARS“is the main training activity of SEEBRIG for 2022, focusing on tactical level processes, procedures and capabilities. It is the right platform to reaffirm the Brigade’s capability to operate as a multinational force in a Peace Support Operation.

SEEBRIG and member nations personnel , observers from NATO entities and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) as well as the Lithuanian Polish Ukrainian Brigade (LITPOLUKRBRIG) took part in the exercise.

47th SEDM-CC/ 48th PMSC Meetings

On the 20th of September 2022, the  47th SEDM Coordination Committee (CC) and the 48th Political-Military Steering Committee (PMSC) meetings took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. The events were hosted by Sofia for the third time within the framework of the Sofia SEDM Chairmanship for the period 2021-2023.

Representatives of 13 of the SEDM member-states, the Commander of SEEBRIG and other officers from SEEBRIG HQ, and delegates from international organizations, such as RACVIAC and UNDP/ SEESAC participated in the events. The representatives of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and NATO Building integrity participated in the meetings virtually.

Within the framework of the working sessions the attendees discussed the progress achieved so far and the way ahead. The SEDM Secretariat and COMSEEBRIG presented an update of the activities and results achieved since the last CC/PMSC meeting in March 2022. Advance information on the upcoming Ministerial meeting in Sofia was also provided.

2022 DCHODs Meeting


The SEDM Deputy Chiefs of Defence Annual Meeting was held on 14th of June 2022, at Brdo Gongress Centre near Kran, Slovenia. The organization and hosting activities were carried out by the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces in close cooperation with Sofia SEDM Secretariat.

Deputy Chiefs of Defence and their representatives from the SEDM Process, the South East Europe Multinational Brigade Headquarters (SEEBRIG), the Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/SEESAC) participated.

The Meeting was opened with a video-address by the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Chair of PMSC/SEDM-CC Mr Yordan BOZHILOV, after which the meeting was chaired by the Director of the SEDM Secretariat Ms Daniela Grigorova.

The participants discussed the progress achieved and the possibilities for further development of the SEDM, as well as other issues of regional cooperation in the field of security and defence. The SEDM Secretariat and the South East Europe Multinational Brigade (SEEBRIG) made presentations on the activities implemented since the previous meeting of the Deputy Chiefs of Defence of the SEDM Process.

At the end of the meeting, the participants adopted a Joint statement. It was agreed that the next meeting in this format, will take place in mid-2023 in Rome, Italy.

The Joint statement is available by clicking here.


34th IMIHO TWG - 16th Users Meetings

The 16th Interconnection of Military Hospitals (IMIHO) Users’ Meeting took place virtually on 18th May 2022, organized by Athens and executed via VTC, chaired by IMIHO Chairman, LtCol Theodoros Valsamidis.

Mrs Daniela GRIGOROVA, SEDM Director opened the Meeting by emphasizing the importance of the Project and expressed his appreciation for tangible results and outputs, achieved so far, at no cost to nations.
An IMIHO Awards Ceremony took place to honor individuals who distinguished themselves by providing valuable support and assistance to the activities of the Project.

A Webinar on “IMIHO as a Platform for Military Humanitarian Medical Applications”, featuring an extensive program, composed of diverse and informational presentations on topics of common interest, moderated by the IMIHO Chairman. During the session, Nations presented information pertaining to the contribution and outcomes of Military Health Care Personnel during peace-keeping and humanitarian missions. Information will be included in the Military Medical Archive. Presentation recordings and slides will be published to the IMIHO Portal.

The 34th IMIHO Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting took place virtually on 17 May 202. During the event, the IMIHO Chairman elaborated on the significant progress and tangible outcomes achieved, as well as the planned way-ahead. A fruitful dialog produced several action items of common interest and benefits. Specific actions were decided, aiming at further enriching the IMIHO Portal, enhancing functions and services offered at no cost to users, including subprojects, webinars and online medical training, both theoretical and practical. Furthermore, a first version "Online Medical Services" portal was presented, based on the proposal authorized by the SEDM Ministers. A proof of concept implementation focuses on psychological support of active and retired personnel, as well as their families, by utilizing open source software and video-teleconferece technologies. The services will be developed and provided at no cost to nations and eligible personnel. 

We hope that these multinational activities will bring the national health care communities closer, provide an online medium for information and expertise exchange, while conducting training, fostering scientific and academic collaboration among professionals of the Health Care Institutions, serving Military personnel. Finally, it is our hope that the Webinar and future activities will help towards bringing soon an end to the ongoing pandemic situation.

The Chairman expressed his appreciation for the invaluable support of SEDM-CC/PMSC Director and Secretariat, as well as all Presenters and Participants for their attendance. 

More information and recorded material will be available at the IMIHO Portal soon.

SEEBRIG Commander HO-TO Ceremony

An official ceremony for the handover and takeover of the post of Commander of the Multinational Brigade "South-Eastern Europe" (SEEBRIG) was held on 15 April, in Skopje. The outgoing Brigade Commander, Major General Aristeidis Iliopoulos, handed over command to his successor, Brigadier General Evangelos Mitroutsikos.

The Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Yordan Bozhilov participated in the ceremony in his capacity of Chairman of the SEDM Process. He addressed words of gratitude to the outgoing Commander of the Brigade, Major General Iliopoulos, underlining his significant contribution to the activity and development of the Brigade over the past years. On behalf of the SEDM Chairmanship, Yordan Bozhilov presented him with the SEEBRIG Meritorious Service Medal and a letter of appreciation. In his speech, he also addressed the newly appointed Brigade Commander, General Mitroutsikos, expressing his confidence that he will continue to build on and develop the achievements of the previous Commander. He wished him good luck and success in his highly responsible duty.

The ceremony was held in the presence of Deputy Ministers of Defence, Deputy Chiefs of Defence and representatives of the Ministries of Defence of the MPFSEE member states - Republic of Albania, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Greece, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania and Republic of Turkey.  The event was also attended by the Chief of Defence of the Republic of North Macedonia, Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski, and representatives of the senior military and government leadership of the host country,  Ambassadors and military attachés of the MPFSEE member states accredited to Skopje.

47th PMSC- 46th SEDM-CC Meetings

The 47th meeting of the Political-Military Steering Committee (PMSC) of the Multinational Peace Force South-Eastern Europe (MPFSEE) and the 46th meeting of the Coordination Committee of SEDM (SEDM-CC) were held on the 16th of March 2022 in the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria. Due to the current pandemic and the imposed restrictions the sessions were conducted via Video-teleconference.

The conference was presided by the SEDM-CC/ PMSC Chairman and Deputy Minister of Defence Mr. Yordan Bozhilov. The Bulgarian delegation included Ms. Daniela Grigorova – Director of SEDM-CC/ PMSC Secretariat and experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Defence Policy and Planning” Directorate of Ministry of Defence and the members of the SEDM Secretariat.

During the sessions the discussions were focused on the progress made and the possibilities for further development of SEDM, as well as current issues concerning the regional cooperation in the field of security and defence. The participants were briefed on the activities of the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) by the Commander of the Brigade and updated on the latest developments of SEDM related projects such as “Female Leaders in Security and Defence” (FLSD) and “Interconnection of Military Hospitals” (IMIHO). Additionally, the details for the DCHOD meeting in Ljubljana, SEESIM22 and the SEDM Ministerial in Sofia were presented by the Host nations.

Sofia proposed a text for a joint statement of the SEDM Ministers of Defence concerning the current situation in Ukraine. The statement is to be approved after each SEDM member state reviews it. In the course of the debate on the issues the participants expressed their principal approval and condemned the Russian aggression.

Sofia has taken the rotational SEDM chairmanship for a period of two years (2021-2023). The SEDM Process was initiated in 1996 as a mechanism for improving the regional security and is one of the most important forums in the field of regional security and cooperation. Sofia has always been an active participant in SEDM Initiative as this is its second term as chairing state, the first term was accomplished in the period 2009-2011 and the nation was the first host of SEEBRIG, for the period 1999-2003.

33rd Tech WG Meeting – 15th IMIHO Users Meeting

The 15th Interconnection of Military Hospitals (IMIHO) Users’ Meeting took place virtually on 8th December 2021, organized by Bucharest and executed via VTC.

Ms Daniela GRIGOROVA, SEDM Director opened the Meeting by emphasizing the importance of the Project and expressed his appreciation for tangible results and outputs, achieved so far, at no cost to nations.
An IMIHO Awards Ceremony took place to honor individuals who distinguished themselves by providing valuable support and assistance to the activities of the Project.

A Webinar on “IMIHO as an online multinational Research Collaboration Platform”, featuring an extensive program, composed of diverse and informational presentations on topics of common interest, moderated by the IMIHO Chairman. During the session, Nations proposed ideas on medical research topics, associated -directly or indirectly- with Military Medicine, with the purpose to identify research areas of common interest for future collaboration.  Nations proposed specific  research topics that will be distributed for further action. Presentation recordings and slides will be published to the IMIHO Portal.

The 33rd IMIHO Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting took place virtually on 7 December 2021. During the event, the IMIHO Chairman elaborated on the significant progress and tangible outcomes achieved, as well as the planned way-ahead. A fruitful dialog produced several action items of common interest and benefits. Specific actions were decided, aiming at further enriching the IMIHO Portal, enhancing functions and services offered at no cost to users, including subprojects, webinars and online medical training, both theoretical and practical. Finally, preliminary planning took place pertaining to the "Establishment of Online Medical Services" Subproject, recently authorized by the SEDM Ministers. Finally, a post-deployment briefing on the new version (2) of the IMIHO Portal was presented.

We hope that these multinational activities will bring the national health care communities closer, provide an online medium for information and expertise exchange, while conducting training, fostering scientific and academic collaboration among professionals of the Health Care Institutions, serving Military personnel. Finally, it is our hope that the Webinar and future activities will help towards bringing soon an end to the ongoing pandemic situation.

The Chairman expressed his appreciation for the invaluable support of SEDM-CC/PMSC Director and Secretariat, to Bucharest personnel for their efforts to organize this event as well as all Presenters and Participants for their attendance.

More information and recorded material will be available at the IMIHO Portal soon.

2021 SEDM Ministerial Meeting


The annual South-Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM) meeting was held in person on the 4th of November in Skopje.Representatives of the SEDM Nations, SEEBRIG HQ and representatives of UNDP/SEESAC, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), RACVIAC and European Union participated. The meeting was presided by the SEDM Chairman Mr. Plamen YORDANOV, Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman stressed on the importance of the Ministerial meeting as the forum for high-level officials to discuss current regional security issues and concerns. Moreover, Mr. YORDANOV expressed his confidence in the future of the process and its consolidation as one of the most important regional mechanisms for cooperation and highlighted that such events contribute to the regional security and stability based on the principle “ It’s much better to know each other, before we need each other”.

Ms. Radmila SHEKERINSKA, Minister of Defence of the Republic of North Macedonia, gave a key note speech, in which she addressed the immediate challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the looming threats such as climate change, disinformation and the digitization of conflicts and crises. Furthermore, she underlined that cooperation and partnership are essential for the nations in order to thrive and be resilient.

Following the update on the latest developments on SEDM-CC projects and PMSC activities, given by Mr. YORDANOV, the Commander of the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) Brigadier General Aristeidis ILIOPOULOS reviewed the Brigade’s activities since the last SEDM Ministerial meeting in 2020 and presented the documents to be approved by the MPFSEE Nations.

During the meeting, the SEDM nations’ Ministers and their representatives expressed their national views and commitment to the SEDM Process, thus contributing to the importance of the Initiative as acrucial format for regional cooperation.

In the closing remarks the SEDM Chairman congratulated Ms. Radmila SHEKERINSKA for the successful organization of the Ministerial in these unprecedented circumstances.

The full joint statement is available here.


Female Leaders in Security and Defence Conference

Military Experts Meeting on Gender

 “Defence and National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions:

where we are and future commitments”

26 and 27 October 2021


Rome, as host nation of Female Leaders in Security and Defence (FLSD) Project, organized the International Conference “Defence and National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions: where we are and future commitments”on Tuesday and Wednesday, 26-27 October 2021.

The aims of the event were:

- To reaffirm national commitment to the FLSD project;

- The full implementation of the UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions; and

- To compare similar approaches, activities and areas of interest included in the National Action Plans, in order to explore the possibility to develop future joint activities.

The event, conducted through the SEDM videoconference system, took place under the auspices of the Process of Meetings of Defence Ministers of Southeast Europe (SEDM) and was part of the set of actions undertaken by Rome as a nation interested in organizing international conferences dedicated to the promotion of gender perspective and gender equality.

The Chief of the Training Office of the 1st Department of the Defence Staff, who opened the Conference, stated “The workshop will focus on equal opportunities and gender perspective within military organizations and operations, and, in particular, on the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security and CIMIC activities.”

He added “We are all aware of this: gender inequalities undermine durable peace and stability. This also occurs because post-war management and the restoration of peace and security are phases where the roles played by women does not always entail overcoming marginalization. Yet, those phases could provide a fruitful opportunity to involve more widely the female population in the negotiations and political dynamics generated by the cease-fire and the cessation of hostilities. For example, extending the right to vote to women or including female representation in formal or informal assemblies.”

The conference was attended by experts from SEDM Members:Sofia, Tbilisi, Athens, Rome, Podgorica, Skopje, Bucharest, Belgrade, Kyiv, Representatives from United Nations Development Programme South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (UNDP SEESAC),Centre for Security Cooperation in South Eastern Europe (RACVIAC), South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG), South-East Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM).

The workshop focused on equal opportunities and gender perspective within military organizations and operations and, in particular, on the National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security and CIMIC activities.

During the two-day conference, participants shared the status of equal opportunity and gender perspective in their respective domains and suggested future developments on common interests.

One of the key message was that National Armed Forces need to be more and more aware of the fact that the system resting upon the cornerstone of Resolution 1325 is not an ideal to-do-list but a true manifesto for equality and a call to include gender perspective into military operations. The success of those operations is linked to the concern for female communities, which are often the victims most affected by conflicts, and to their inclusion in the reconstruction process, in which female soldiers can often provide a unique contribution.

From a military point of view, the Resolution 1325 has entailed the inclusion of gender perspective in the planning process, along with the developing a doctrine and a series of ad-hoc training activities, in addition to the creation of a specific professional figure within Staffs, namely the Gender Advisor.

Gender perspective finds application not only in the operational context but also in the organizational context.

In fact, the presence of military personnel of both genders, male and female, has required military organizations to change their approach to human resource management in regards to the internal aspect, that is to say the well-being of staff, and to the employment aspect, namely managing servicemen and servicewomen deployed in operations abroad.

In the internal management of the organization, subjects such as motherhood and, more generally, parenting and family care should be considered. More attention should be paid to how those are differently perceived according to one’s gender.

Those fields are relatively new for the military and they represent useful tools to improve our armed forces. For this reason, it is fundamental to understand them and to consider themin the activities we carry out.

During the conference, speakers from FLSD Countries presented their national experiences and shared best practices in each respective domain. It was a further step taken on a pathway that see us constantly committed in the shared project to disseminate, in the most effective manner, gender perspective and equality between men and women within the military organizations of the participating countries.

The conference was a great opportunity to confirm, at international level, the importance of gender perspective and UNSCRs on Women, Peace and Security in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, in the promotion of peace and security, as well as in the political and military decision-making process.

46th PMSC- 45th SEDM-CC Meetings

On the 15th and the 16th of September 2021, were held respectively the 46th PMSC and the 45th SEDM-CC Meetings in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The recent developments and the way ahead for SEEBRIG and the SEDM Process were discussed within the margins of the meetings. The leading nations provided updates on the various SEDM projects. The participating international organizations expressed their content and willingness for further collaboration with the Initiative.  Topical security and defense issues at a regional scale as well the perspectives for enhancing the regional cooperation were also discussed in details.

The meetings were headed by the chairman of the SEDM Process, Deputy Minister of Defence Mr. Plamen Yordanov.

Due to the COVID restrictions the meetings were held in a hybrid mode, in which attendants participated both physically and virtually.

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